Thank you for Purchasing

Oiron - React HTML Landing Page Collection

Version 1.4.1

  • Created : 10 Nov 2021
  • Latest Update : 29 May 2023

What is Oiron?


Oiron Is a powerful, beautiful and modern landing page collection. Built with React, Next Js, and Material UI. It's suitable for Agency, Cloud, Cryptocurrency, Education, Medical, Marketing, Fintech, Product-Sales, Saas, Saas2 and Social Apps, and any type of business to introduce and promote their profile, products, or services.

Oiron provides you simple and clean design along with 24 colors schemes, 7 header layouts, 4 Footer layouts, dark-light mode and 2D or 3D illustration artwork. So you will easly to adjust the theme with your brand identity. Not stop until that, this template also has RTL support and translation ready with 6 languages.

What's Inside?
This template Designed for multipurpose industries that contain 11 templates + starter-project. Those extraordinary things is supported by more than 100 components based on material-ui designs. That all for you to boost your web app development process. Oiron is the template you will love to work on.

Template Feature

  • 11 landing page templates. Built with one of most popular javascript library React.JS, Material UI and Next.JS.
  • Including HTML vesrion. Built with jQuery, Bootstrap, MaterializeCSS (Material Design) and Pug.js for HTML template engine.
  • Various modern design Agency, Cloud, Cryptocurrency, Education, Medical, Marketing, Fintech, Product-Sales, Saas, Saas2 and Social Apps
  • Premium designs. Simple and elegant multi color scheme
  • Dark Mode. Creative and modern design along with dark mode to make it easy on your eyes.
  • RTL Support.Auto RTL adjustment styling with jss-rtl
  • More Variant Components. This template including 7 Header type and 4 Footer type, plus Scroll Page Navigator and Chat Panel.
  • Support multilanguage. Including 6 translation English, Deutsch, Arabic, Chinese, Bahasa Indonesia, Español.
  • 100+ section components and UI modules which reusable and easy to modify.
  • Modern Illustration. The most trending design concept, with artwork illustration to increase visitor attractiveness.
  • Next Generation JavaScript written in ES6
  • Responsive design Based on standard 12 Grid System
  • Starter Project. Build app from scratch without without being distracted from innate feature.
  • Support mono repo, . Modern architecture to managing modules in multiple project.
  • High Performance. Styling with JSS (CSS in JS) and Async Code Splitting.
  • Clean code maintained by eslint.
  • Fully vector icons and font icons.
  • And many more...

Files and Folder Structure

└── packages
    ├── [theme-name]
    │   ├── components
    │   ├── pages
    │   ├── public
    │   ├── theme
    │   └── vendors
    │   └── i18n.js
    │   └── index.js
    │   └── next.config.js
    │   └── now.json
    │   ├── package.json
    │   ├── package-lock.json
    │   └──
    │   └── server.js
    │   └── youtube.js

Installation and Running App

Oiron is built on top of Material UI
  • Connect to the internet
  • Install NodeJs from NodeJs Official Page
  • Unzip the Oiron file to a folder in your computer
  • Open Terminal
  • Go to your file project (where you've unzipped the product)
  • Go to packages and choose a template. Example packages/agency/
  • Install Modules
    Install module dependencies by run this script in terminal
    npm install
    It will download some necessary dependencies, and just wait until finish.
  • For installation by use lerna, please check this link Installation using lerna
  • Run App
    After build installation complete, then run the app.
    npm run dev
    The process might take a moment.
    - Just run this script whenever you want start the project.
    - Run npm install again if you have new module dependencies,
  • For agency template please navigate to http://localhost:3001
  • Here's the port list for each template
    Template Port Landing Page URL
    Starter Project 3000 http://localhost:3000
    Agency Theme 3001 http://localhost:3001
    Cloud Theme 3002 http://localhost:3002
    Cryptocurrency Theme 3003 http://localhost:3003
    Education Theme 3004 http://localhost:3004
    Finance Theme 3005 http://localhost:3005
    Marketing Theme 3006 http://localhost:3006
    Medical Theme 3007 http://localhost:3007
    Product Sales Theme 3008 http://localhost:3008
    Saas 3009 http://localhost:3009
    Saas2 3010 http://localhost:3010
    Social Apps 3011 http://localhost:3011

Installation With Lerna

Lerna is A tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages. This template has 10 packages(projects) inside packages/ folder. So to install them at once you can use lerna. See full docs of lerna here Here's the installation guide:

  • Let's start by installing Lerna globally with npm:
    npm install --global lerna
  • Go to your root project (where you've unzipped the product)
  • Then install all packages
    lerna bootstrap
    Note: This process will take some minutes, because there's lot of modules to be installed. If got stuck for this step. Please install the packages(projects) one by one by use npm install instead.

Build App

Build project

  • Here'a bellow an example for agency-theme. You can use the same steps to other packages(projects)
  • First you need to build the production assets first
    npm run build
    It usually take longer time than development to generate and compress production code. The generated files will be placed in .next/ process
  • Then start the app
    npm start
  • Then navigate to http://localhost:3001
  • Node: In Windows system you need to install win-node-env, because setting NODE_ENV=production before command babel doesn't work on Windows. Here's the packages

Build Static HTML

Run the following commands:

npm run build


 npm run export

Now you can see the exported HTML content on a directory called out inside your project. That's a fully functioning static web app. You can deploy it to any static hosting service, and it will work fine. But before we do that, we need to test it out locally. In order to test the app, install the following serve NPM module globally:

npm install -g serve

After you've installed serve, run following commands from /out directory

serve -p 8080

Now you can access your static app in http://localhost:8080. Everything should be working as usual.


Deploy to server

  • First you have to clone/copy the project in your hosting/cloud server.
  • If you haven't install the dependencies before, please run npm install
  • Then run npm run build
  • Run app in background process

    To run it in background you may try PM2 and PM2 is a daemon process manager that will help you manage and keep your application online 24/7

    • Install the pm2 globally
      npm install pm2@latest -g
    • Go to project folder i.e packages/agency
    • Create ecosystem file
      pm2 ecosystem
      It will generate ecosystem.config.js in your root project
    • Open ecosystem.config.js. Then Change the script target to ./index.js like this:
      module.exports = {
        apps : [{
          name      : 'oiron-react', // Your project name
          script    : './index.js', // Change the script target to ./index.js
          env: {
            NODE_ENV: 'development'
          env_production : {
            NODE_ENV: 'production'
        deploy : {
          production : {
            user : 'node',
            host : '',
            ref  : 'origin/master',
            repo : '',
            path : '/var/www/production',
            'post-deploy' : 'npm install && pm2 reload ecosystem.config.js --env production'
    • Run the project
      pm2 start ecosystem.config.js --env production
    • Then navigate to http://localhost:3001

Deploy to NOW

Deploy your website quickly, without having to manually configure DNS, SSL, CDN or hosting. Integrate with your favorite tools, and bring your entire team of developers and designers closer together.

  • Go to your projects, then npm run now-build. The static HTML will be generated in dist/ folder
  • Next just run now --prod to delploy.
  • Wait until process finish. Once finish you will get live url yo access it.


Here's most common error problem when installation and first setup project

  • When installation and you got error like this :
    Could not resolve dependency:
    peer example-peer-package@"^3.2.0" from example-package@3.0.0
    example-package@3.0.0 from the root project
  • Try to remove the error package (i.e example-package@3.0.0) from package.json Then install again.
    npm install
    After installation done, try to install the problematic package manually with --legacy-peer-deps options.
    npm install example-package@3.0.0 --legacy-peer-deps
    Example for multiple package
    npm install example-package@3.0.0 other-package@1.0.0 --legacy-peer-deps
  • When you run npm run dev, build, etc, then you got error like this :br />
    Error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported
        at new Hash (node:internal/crypto/hash:67:19)
        at Object.createHash (node:crypto:130:10)
  • Open terminal and paste these as described:
    1. Linux and macOS (Windows Git Bash)
      export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider
    2. Windows command prompt
      set NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider
    3. Windows PowerShell
      $env:NODE_OPTIONS = "--openssl-legacy-provider"
  • Then try npm run dev or npm run build again
  • if got warning like this :
    npm WARN slick-carousel@1.8.1 requires a peer of jquery@>=1.8.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
    Don't worry the app will run as well

    For warning some of dependencies need another dependencies too, maybe once you install them, there’s some changes from the 3rd party vendor so probably it will make a warning to another dependencies.

  • if got an error with a dependencies installation. Try to remove the all module node_modules/. Then install again with npm install. If error still happen, please try to remove the problematic package node_modules/ foler. After that try to install the problematic package manually. npm install ‹package_name› --save-dev
  • if still got an error. Try to update the problematic package instead.
  • Once build finish you may get warning getInitialProps.
    Warning: You have opted-out of Automatic Prerendering due to `getInitialProps` in `pages/_app`.
    Read more:
  • It because this template use next.js eith custom _app. So just ignore this, that's Next.js telling you that all your pages will have SSR.
  • You will get this warning message if not use HTTPS
    A cookie associated with a resource at was set with `SameSite=None` but without `Secure`. A future release of Chrome will only deliver cookies marked `SameSite=None` if they are also marked `Secure`. You can review cookies in developer tools under Application>Storage>Cookies and see more details at
    Here's the guide to setup HTTPS with NextJS:
  • Development: Every changes the code will show warning messages.
    Warning: Can't perform a React state update on an unmounted component. This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application. To fix, cancel all subscriptions and asynchronous tasks in a useEffect cleanup function.
    It because window scrolling function with HMR. This message will show in development only, you can ignore it by reload the browser.

Basic Code Structure

Folder structure

│   ├───components                                                                          
│   ├───pages                                                                               
│   ├───static                                                                              
│   │   ├───favicons                                                                        
│   │   ├───images                                                                          
│   │   ├───locales                                                                       
│   │   └───text                                                                            
│   ├───theme                                                                               
│   └───vendors                                                                             

Code preview

Landing Page

Landing page structure /pages/index.js



You can put google analytics, font icon, embeded fonts, etc here. /components/header.js


Document body



Directory Alias

This template use babel-plugin-root-import. So you can call any components or images from root project easly.

Name Alias Directory Sample Use
UI Components ~/components /components import Header from '~/components/Header';
Images ~/public/images public/images import imgAPI from '~/public/images/imgAPI';
Dummy text and link ~/public/text public/text import brand from '~/public/text/brand';
Component Style Overider ~/vendors /vendors import '~/vendors/slick/slick-theme.css';
And any your files ~/yourfolder /yourfolder import '~/yourfolder/file';

Template Architecture

This is template architecture in diagram visuailzation. Click diagram or full screen button full screen to show in new tab with full screen

Starter Project

This source code made for you who want build app from scratch without without being distracted from innate feature. In other word it's an initial(empty) project with built in configuration setup.

  • You can go through to /packages/starter-project/ folder
  • Connect to the internet
  • Open Terminal
  • The next installation process are same like was described above. Installation Step
  • Install module dependencies by run this script in terminal
    npm install
    It will download some necessary dependencies, it could take some minutes, just wait until finish.
  • Run App
    npm run dev

    - Just run this script whenever you want start the project.
    - Run npm install again if you have new module dependencies,
  • Navigate to http://localhost:3000
  • After this you can can start develop your app with this initial project. And will bo more suitable when use other ready-template as a reference

UI and Languages

Follow this guide bellow to modify user interface, branding identity and default language.

Create New Page

A. Page with SSG(Static Site Generation) support

  • This template support translation with Static Site Generation (SSG). If you want to make a page with translation support, please follow this pattern.

    About more about static site translation check out this blog post and this example project.
  • For example we want to create an "About" page, you need to create to 2 files pages/about.js and pages/[locale]/about.js.
  • // pages/about.js
    // Use for redirection by following language param [locale]. It will redirect to pages/[locale]/about.js
    import { Redirect } from '../lib/redirect';
    export default Redirect;
    // pages/[locale]/about.js
    // It's a real page containing translations or components with translations
    import React from 'react';
    import { useTranslation } from 'next-i18next';
    import { getStaticPaths, makeStaticProps } from '../../lib/getStatic';                                
    export default function About() {
      const { t } = useTranslation('common');
      return (
          <p>This is the about page</p>
    const getStaticProps = makeStaticProps(['common']);
    export { getStaticPaths, getStaticProps };
  • Then we can access that page with http://localhost:3000/about or http://localhost:3000/en/about

B. Page with Server Side Translation

  • You can use simple translation method in folder react/simple-routing/. So you can skip this section
  • By default this template uses SSG method for translation, but it can be used as Server Side Rendering. Please follow this guide to convert as a Server Side Translation Page.
  • Setup the configuration
    1. In /next-i18next.config.js set ssg: false
    2. In next.config.js uncomment const { i18n } = require('./next-i18next.config') and i18n, It will look like this:
      // /next-i18next.config.js
      const { i18n } = require('./next-i18next.config')
      //... rest import
      module.exports = withImages({
        //... rest code
    3. In pages/_app.js in useEffect() add/uncomment this code
      // /pages/_app.js
      useEffect(() => {
        const { pathname, asPath, query } = router;
        router.push({ pathname, query }, asPath, { locale: curLang });
        // code
      }, []);
  • Change the all pages file in /pages
    1. Move and replace all files inside pages/[locale]/ to it's parent pages/, Then delete the empty[locale] folder.
    2. Open a page file, example index.js in pages/ folder.
    3. Remove the import of static lib and import serverSideTranslations
      // pages/about.js
      // (-) Remove or disable
      import { getStaticPaths, makeStaticProps } from '~/lib/getStatic';
      // (+) Add or enable                              
      import { serverSideTranslations } from 'next-i18next/serverSideTranslations';                             
    4. Remove the export { getStaticPaths, getStaticProps } and use serverSideTranslations
      // pages/about.js
      // (-) Remove or disable
      const getStaticProps = makeStaticProps(['common']);
      export { getStaticPaths, getStaticProps };
      // (+) Add or enable                              
      export const getStaticProps = async ({ locale }) => ({ props: { ...await serverSideTranslations(locale, ['common']) } });
    5. Here's the complete code
      // pages/about.js
      import React from 'react';
      import { useTranslation } from 'next-i18next';
      // import { getStaticPaths, makeStaticProps } from '~/lib/getStatic';
      import { serverSideTranslations } from 'next-i18next/serverSideTranslations';                             
      export default function Home() {
        const { t } = useTranslation('common');
        return (
            <p>This is the about page</p>
      // const getStaticProps = makeStaticProps(['common']);
      // export { getStaticPaths, getStaticProps };
      export const getStaticProps = async ({ locale }) => ({ props: { ...await serverSideTranslations(locale, ['common']) } });
    6. Do this method for all pages. For the faster way, you can use find and replace inside pages/ with code-editor
    7. Remove .next/ folder in root project. This folder might hidden by your OS, so please show it!
    8. Then start the project npm run dev or build npm run dev it to see the result. Please note this method not support for npm run export

Create New Component

  • Go to /components/
  • Create new folder ex: MyComponent. The name must in capitalize
  • Create new js file inside that folder MyComponent, ex SampleComponent.js. The name must in capitalize
  • Inside the file create a simple ES6 Class ex:
    // file: /components/MyComponent/SampleComponent.js
    import React from 'react';
    function SampleComponent(){
        return (
          <H1>Hello World</H1>
    export default SampleComponent;
  • Open a target page where you want use it. Ex: Open /pages/[locale]/about.js. (Example page that we've made in previous section)
  • Import component form component library
    import SampleComponent from '~/components/MyComponent/SampleComponent.js'
  • Then use it inside render function
    return (
      <SampleComponent />
  • Here's complete code
    // file: /pages/[locale]/about.js
    import React from 'react';
    import Head from 'next/head';
    import { useTranslation } from 'next-i18next';
    import { getStaticPaths, makeStaticProps } from '../../lib/getStatic'; 
    import SampleComponent from '~/components/MyComponent/SampleComponent.js'
    export default function About() {
      const { t } = useTranslation('common');
      return (
              { }
              &nbsp; - Blank page
          <p>This is the about page</p>
          <SampleComponent />
    const getStaticProps = makeStaticProps(['common']);
    export { getStaticPaths, getStaticProps };
  • Then you can check the result at http://localhost:3000/about or http://localhost:3000/en/about

Clean Code with Eslint

Eslint is disabled by default. You can enable it to keep your code consistent and avoiding bug.
NOTE: By enable eslint the running app process at beginning will slower.

Just follow this step to enable eslint
  • Go to /next.config.js
  • Just uncomment this code bellow
    const withCSS = require('@zeit/next-css')
    const withImages = require('next-images');
    module.exports = withImages(
        publicRuntimeConfig: {
          localeSubpaths: typeof process.env.LOCALE_SUBPATHS === 'string'
            ? process.env.LOCALE_SUBPATHS
            : 'none',
        webpack: (config, options) => {
          cssModules: true,
          //      config.module.rules.push({
          //          enforce: 'pre',
          //          test: /\.js?$/,
          //          exclude: [/node_modules/],
          //          loader: 'eslint-loader',
          //          options: {
          //            quiet: true,
          //          }
          //      });
          config.node = {
            fs: 'empty'
          return config;
  • Then should become like this
    const withCSS = require('@zeit/next-css')
    const withImages = require('next-images');
    module.exports = withImages(
        publicRuntimeConfig: {
          localeSubpaths: typeof process.env.LOCALE_SUBPATHS === 'string'
            ? process.env.LOCALE_SUBPATHS
            : 'none',
        webpack: (config, options) => {
          cssModules: true,
             enforce: 'pre',
             test: /\.js?$/,
             exclude: [/node_modules/],
             loader: 'eslint-loader',
             options: {
               quiet: true,
          config.node = {
            fs: 'empty'
          return config;
  • Run the project npm run dev.
    You will be notified with an error message if your code not clean or consistent. ESLint itself is a tool for identifying and reporting on patterns found in ECMAScript/JavaScript code, with the goal of making code more consistent and avoiding bugs.
    More about elint

Google Maps API Config

Google Maps Platform products are secured from unauthorized use by restricting API calls to those that provide proper authentication credentials. These credentials are in the form of an API key - a unique alphanumeric string that associates your Google billing account with your project, and with the specific API or SDK. For more details please check

Before you begin

Before you start using the Maps JavaScript API, you need a project with a billing account and the Maps JavaScript API enabled. To learn more, see Set up in Cloud Console.

Creating API keys

The API key is a unique identifier that authenticates requests associated with your project for usage and billing purposes. You must have at least one API key associated with your project.

To create an API key:

  1. Go to the Google Maps Platform > Credentials page.
  2. On the Credentials page, click Create credentials > API key. The API key created dialog displays your newly created API key.
  3. Click Close.The new API key is listed on the Credentials page under API keys.(Remember to restrict the API key before using it in production.)

Adding the API key to your request

You must include an API key with every Maps JavaScript API request. In the following example, replace YOUR_API_KEY with your API key.

<script async defer src=""></script>

External Reference

Here's some external reference of library that we used

Fonts Used

roboto font

Icons Used

To use icon, it has two method

Material Font Icons

  • Please make sure Google Material Icons already embeded in components/head.js.
    If not just embed this inside head tag
          <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
  • Connect to internet
  • Import Material UI Icon to your component
    import Icon from '@material-ui/core/Icon';
  • Then add it inside render method. Example for use access_time icon
    <Icon>access_time<Icon />

Material SVG Icons

It's interesting to have the building blocks needed to implement custom icons. This template use NPM package, @material-ui/icons, that includes the 900+ official Material icons converted to SvgIcon components.

  • Import all necessary icons form Material UI Icons library
    import AccessTime from '@material-ui/icons/AccessTime';
    import Adjust from '@material-ui/icons/Adjust';
    import BatteryStd from '@material-ui/icons/BatteryStd';
  • Use them as component in render method
     render() {
      return (
          <AccessTime />
          <Adjust />
          <BatteryStd />
        <div />

Or from original source Google Material Icons

IonIcons Font

  • Please make sure IonIcons already embeded in components/head.js.
    If not just embed this inside head tag
        <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
  • Connect to internet
  • The sample usage
    <span className="ion-ios-world-outline" />  
  • Here's the ionicons cheatsheet

  • Sources and Credit

    Fonts :
    Roboto, Robot Condensed, Lato, Open Sans, Montserrat

    Preview Images Used

    Note: All images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of the template and NOT included in the final purchase files.

    Name Repository License
    @babel.js MIT
    @material-ui MIT
    clsx MIT
    express MIT
    jss-rtl MIT
    material-ui-pickers MIT
    next.js MIT
    next-i18next MIT
    react MIT
    react-countup MIT
    react-google-maps MIT
    react-loading-bar MIT
    react-material-ui-form-validator MIT
    react-slick MIT
    react-youtube MIT
    redux-form MIT
    webpack MIT

    Online Suport

    If you have any questions about customization of this template wich are not covered in the documentation feel free to ask a question in the comment section or contact me directly via e-mail form on my profile page.

    A product by Ilham Meidi Brata

    Enjoy and don’t forget to rate my template.

    Thank you very much!

    Change Log

    Version 1.4.1 – 29 May, 2023
    Fixed: Responsive Issues
    File changes:
    - packages/[all-themes]/components
    Fixed: Dark mode issues
    File changes:
    - packages/[all-themes]/theme/appTheme.js
    - packages/[all-themes]/theme/common.js
    - packages/[all-themes]/vendors/hamburger-menu.css
    Version 1.4 – 27 Apr, 2023
    Upgrade to MUI 5, Next 13 and React 18
    Files changes:
    - packages/[all-themes]
    Version 1.3 – 30 Jan, 2023
    Add simple translation for react
    Files added/changes
    - react/simple-routing/
    Fixed: Image placeholder url
    Files added/changes
    Version 1.2 – 22 Nov, 2022
    Updated translation method
    Files added/changes
    - packages/[theme-name]/next-i18next.config.js
    - packages/[theme-name]/pages/
    - packages/[theme-name]/pages/_app.js
    Docs: Update troubleshooting cases
    Version 1.1.1 – 2 Jul, 2022
    Fixed warning missing props
    File changes:
    - /packages/[theme-name]/pages/_error.js
    Fixed case-sensitive images file name
    File changes:
    - /packages/[theme-name]/public/images/[theme-name]/*.png
    Version 1.1.0 – 14 Feb, 2022
    Update packages react v17, next v12, material-ui, webpack v5
    File changes:
    - /packages/[theme-name]/package.json
    - /packages/[theme-name]/next.config.json
    - /packages/[theme-name]/.eslintrc
    - /packages/[theme-name]/components/**/*.js
    - /packages/[theme-name]/components/**/*-style.js
    Migrate react-wow to react-scroll-animation-wrapper
    File changes:
    - /packages/[theme-name]/package.json
    - /packages/[theme-name]/components/**/*.js
    Fixed RTL issues when change language
    File changes:
    - /packages/[theme-name]/components/Footer/Main.js
    - /packages/[theme-name]/components/Footer/blog-style.js
    - /packages/[theme-name]/components/Footer/sitemap-style.js
    Fixed Product Card width in mobile 320px
    File changes:
    - /packages/[theme-name]/components/Cards/product-card-style.js
    Docs: add Google Maps setup and update language configuration
    Version 1.0.2 – 30 Jan, 2022
    Add HTML version
    Update copyrights year
    Version 1.0.1 – 12 Nov, 2021
    Update spacing and alignment
    Add illustrations assets
    Version 1.0 – 10 Nov, 2021
    Oiron released