Create New Page

  • In example we will create an "About" page in "starter-project" by adding the following content to starter-project/src/pug/pages/about.pug
    extends ../layouts/app.pug
    block variables
      - var pageTitle = " - About"
    block content
          include ../components/header/header.pug

              h2.display-3.text-center.mb-4 About Us

            include ../components/footer.pug
  • Generate the HTML

    gulp build
  • It will generate file about.html in root directory.

  • And watch the changes result

  • Then we can access that page with http://localhost:9000/about

Create New Component

  • Go to src/pug/components/
  • Create new file hello.pug
  • In that file create a simple code
    // file: /src/pug/components/hello.pug
      h4 Hello World
      h5.display-1.text-center Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
      p Vestibulum dignissim orci vitae eros rutrum euismod. Vestibulum tempor, sem et molestie egestas, dui tortor laoreet tellus, id rhoncus mauris neque malesuada augue. Duis tristique metus magna, lobortis aliquam risus euismod sit amet.
      p Suspendisse porttitor velit nisl, feugiat tincidunt nisl mattis ut. Nulla lobortis nunc vitae nisi semper semper. Sed mi neque, convallis at ipsum at, blandit pretium enim. Nunc quis sem quis velit tincidunt congue a sit amet ante. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
  • Open a target page where you want use it. Ex: Open src/pug/pages/about.pug. (Example page that we've made in previous section)
  • Then include it inside template
    include ../components/hello.pug
  • Here's complete code
    // file: src/pug/pages/about.pug
    extends ../layouts/app.pug
    block variables
      - var pageTitle = " - About"
    block content
          include ../components/header/header.pug

              h2.display-3.text-center.mb-4 About Us
              // Add new component
              include ../components/footer.pug

            include ../components/footer.pug
  • If you run with gulp command, the updates will change immediately. And the physical file will be updated in about.html
  • Then you can check the result at http://localhost:9000/about

Brand/Project Name

  • Open src/api.json
  • Here's bellow the available brand attribute for example Agency THeme
    brand": {
      "agency": {
        "name": "Agency",
        "desc": "Nirwana Agency - HTML5 Bootstrap Landing Page Template",
        "prefix": "Nirwana",
        "footerText": "Nirwana Agency - All Rights Reserved 2020",
        "logoText": "Nirwana Theme",
        "projectName": "Agency Project",
        "url": "",
        "img": "/images/agency-logo.png",
        "notifMsg": "Donec sit amet nulla sed arcu pulvinar ultricies commodo id ligula"
  • Those attribute is used pug as variable object. After run gulp build it will affect in HTML ‹head› content and other branding purpose.
  • Example use in src/pug/layouts/document.pug
    title #{} - #{pageTitle}       

Change Theme


This template has 24 Themes with dark/light appearance. And also support for RTL direction. You can change the layout via theme panel but not permanently. To make the layout permanent just follow this step.

  • Open src/pug/layouts/app.pug
  • In pug file just change the class name
  • For dark/light mode in .m-application by switch between .theme--dark or .theme--light
    - Dark mode:
    - Light mode:
  • For theme color in .m-content by change .[theme-name]-var with available theme from src/scss/utils/_color-var.scss - In example joker theme color
  • Here's the complete code, for joker color in dark mode
    // file: src/pug/layouts/app.pug
    extends ./document.pug
    block variables
    block layout
          block content-

    If you change the palette variable, don't forget to update this following files as well

    ** Crytpo Theme: crypto-theme/src/pug/components/gradient-deco.pug
    ** Saas Theme: saas-theme/src/pug/components/testimonials.pug
    ** Hosting Theme: hosting-theme/src/js/banner-animation.js

    Make sure the stop-color has same value as in src/scss/utils/_color-var.scss

Use 2D/3D Illustration images

This template including illustration vector images. And for the HTML uses PNG format with 2 version, Flat(2D) and 3D. You can switch between them and applied to all HTML files.

  • Open src/pug/layouts/base.pug
  • In pug file just change the variable img_artwork (For homepage) and img_artworkInner (for inner page) with avalable value (commented)
  • All the source images get from src/api.json
  • Here's the code

    3D Version
      - var img_artwork = imgAPI.agency3d
      - var img_artworkInner = imgAPI.agencyInner3d
    2D Version
      - var img_artwork = imgAPI.agency2d
      - var img_artworkInner = imgAPI.agencyInner2d
  • Generate the HTML

    gulp build

Change Header, Footer and Corner

This template coming with 7 variant headers, 4 variant footers and 2 type bottom corner. As You can see in custom-components/, but for implementatin, that's need to copy manually. With Pug.js, You can use them and generate all html files instantly.

  • Open src/pug/layouts/base.pug
  • In pug file just change the variable headerType, footerType and cornerType
  • Change with avalable value (commented)
  • Here's the code
    // file: src/pug/layouts/base.pug
    //- UI Header
    - var headerType = 'basic' // available: mixed, basic, droplist, mega, hamburger, navscroll, search
    //- UI Footer
    - var footerType = 'blog' // available: basic, blog, contact, sitemap
    //- UI Floating corner
    - var cornerType = 'nav' // available: chat, nav
  • Generate the HTML

    gulp build

Change Layout direction (LTR & RTL)

This template support for RTL direction. You can change the layout via theme panel but not permanently. To make the layout permanent just follow this step.

  • Open src/pug/layouts/base.pug
  • In pug file just change the variable doc_dir to RTL or LTR. And you need to adjust the language variable doc_lang as well.
  • Here's the code for RTL
    // file: src/pug/layouts/base.pug
    //- HTML attribute
    - var doc_lang = 'ar'
    - var doc_dir = 'rtl'

Youtube Config

This template us Youtube API To use this feature we recommend to use https in production. If not there will be some warnings in browser console related cookies and security.

You can disable this feature by open src/api.json in "youtube" object then set set use: false.

"youtube": {
    "use": true

Set Language


  • To set default language
    1. Open gulpfile.js
    2. in function view() change the locales to any locale json file
    3. In example for Português
      locales: 'src/locales/pt.json'
    4. Full code
      function views() {
        var options = {
          i18n: {
            dest: './',
            namespace: '$t',
            localeExtension: true,
            locales: 'src/locales/pt.json'
          data: JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./src/api.json'))
        return (
          .pipe(prettyHtml({ indent_size: 2 }))
          .pipe(ext_replace('.html', '.en.html'))
  • Add new language
    1. By default, gulp-i18n-pug expects your translations to be organised as such by create new language JSON library in src/locales/[localeCode].json
      └── src
          └── locales
              ├── en.json
              ├── de.json
              └── pt.json
  • Write object as text translation

    For example portuguese in src/locales/pt.json

    "agency_landing": {
        "header_login": "Conecte-se",
        "header_register": "registro"
  • Put the messages to the Pug file
    1. Pick one of sample Components with cointaining text, i.e /componens/header/header.pug
    2. Basically the message return is String. And next step is replace/add every string in components
    3. Add a translated text inside components
      h4.use-text-title2 #{$t.agency_landing.header_login}
      h4.use-text-title2 #{$t.agency_landing.header_register}
    4. Then run gulp build. The translated result will in root directory.
    5. To generate all available languages, please change variable assets in src/pug/layouts/base.pug
      //- Assets Path
      - var multilang = '../../assets'
      - var prod = '../assets'
      - var dev = './assets'
      //- Use assets path
      - var assets = multilang // Change this
      Then please run
      gulp translate
    6. The translated result will available in multilang/**/*.html