Brand/Project Name

  • Open /assets/text/brand.js
  • Here's bellow the available brand attribute
    const brand = {
      agency: {
        name: 'Agency',
        desc: 'Veluxi Agency - Vue Single Landing Page Template',
        prefix: 'veluxi',
        footerText: 'Veluxi Theme - All Rights Reserved 2023',
        logoText: 'Veluxi Agency',
        projectName: 'Agency Theme',
        url: '',
        img: '/static/images/agency-logo.png',
          'Donec sit amet nulla sed arcu pulvinar ultricies commodo id ligula.'
    export default brand
  • Those attribute will affect in HTML ‹head› content and other branding name

Component Variants

This template come with some variant main components that easy to use. To change Header, Footer, and Corner component, please open in global store composables/uiTheme.js, and just change value then all components will be updated. Here's the available values:

Key Type Available Value Example
Header String mixed, basic, droplist, mega, hamburger, navscroll, search header: 'mixed'
Header String basic, sitemap, blog, contact footer: 'blog'
Footer String chat, nav corner: 'chat'


Header component used for navigation and some site settings. It's more flexible with 7 type of headers:

  • Basic: basic
  • Search: search
  • DropList: droplist (it has routing navigation)
  • MegaMenu: mega (it has routing navigation)
  • Hamburger Menu: hamburger (it has scroll navigation)
  • Scroll Navigation: navscroll (it has scroll navigation)
  • Mixed: mixed (Scroll Navigation + Mega Menu)

In composables/uiTheme.js you can edit header value to change the header type. The changes will affected to all pages containing header except Blog and Auth (login & register).

// composables/uiTheme.js
export const useHeader = () => useState(
  () => 'mixed', /* available: mixed, basic, droplist, mega, hamburger, navscroll, search */

Mega menu and Dropdown menu have submenu that can be accessed by clicking the parent menu. But It can be accessed using hover instead of clicking by change the data.

  • In components/Header/TopNav/MegaMenu.vue or components/Header/TopNav/MultiLevel.vue
  • Please change the data hover: true
  • *For Droplist (MultiLevel.vue) you have to import Submenu component from ./SubMenuHover
    // components/Header/TopNav/MultiLevel.vue
      // 1. Don't forget to import SubMenuHover for Droplist menu only. For Mega menu just skip thip step        
      import Submenu from './SubMenuHover'
      // 2. Change the hover value to true
      export default {                
        data() {
          return {
            hover: true


Footer component used for many purpose, such as navigation, contact, additional link, or just copyright mark. This template provide 4 Footer variants

  • Basic: basic
  • Sitemap: sitemap
  • Blog: blog
  • Contact: contact

In composables/uiTheme.js you can edit footer value to change the footer type. The changes will affected to all pages except Maintenance and Coming Soon which doesn't uses footer.

// composables/uiTheme.js
export const useFooter = () => useState(
  () => 'sitemap', /* basic, blog, contact, sitemap */

Bottom Corner

The additional components for homepage placed on the bottom right corner. There are 2 variant, Chat Panel and Single Page Navigation. The Corner component itself imported from '@/components/Home/Corner'

    <corner />

import Corner from '@/components/Home/Corner'

export default {
  components: {
  • Chat Panel: chat
  • Single Page Navigation: nav

To use it, in composables/uiTheme.js you can edit corner value to change the corner type. The changes only affected in homepage. By default it's only implemented in homepage, but you can use Corner component for another page

// composables/uiTheme.js
export const useCorner = () => useState(
  () => 'chat', /* chat, nav */

Banner Slider

Banner and Slider ussualy placed on first section of hompage. And all of this template uses the Banner Slider. The banner slider components code is in components/Home/BannerSlider

The slider containing 3 type of banners, Text-Image, Image-Text, and Text-Image-Vertical. By default it uses all type banner as horizontal slider. If you need only a single banner without slider, You have to make some modification in the code like bellow:







Horizontal Slider mode structure
// components/Home/BannerSlider
<div class="carousel" v-if="loaded">
    <div class="slide" id="slide1">Banner 1</div>
    <div class="slide" id="slide2">Banner 2</div>
    <div class="slide" id="slide3">Banner 3</div>  

Single Banner mode structure

Unwrap slick component and use only one .slide element

// components/Home/BannerSlider
<div class="carousel" v-if="loaded">
  <div class="slide" id="slide1">Banner 1</div>

Theme and Layout(RTL)

Theme Color


This template has 24 Themes with dark/light appearance. You can change the layout via theme panel but not permanently. To make the layout permanent just follow this step.

  • Open /config/vuetify.options.js
  • Open the available theme list /config/theme.txt
  • Then change the theme value. For theme color, since nuxt.js cannot import external file in the config, so please pick and copy manually one of theme value from /config/theme.txt to /config/vuetify.options.js in const palette
  • Example theme to pick:
    greenLeaf: {
      primary:, // primary main
      primarylight:, // primary light
      primarydark:, // primary dark
      secondary: colors.blueGrey.base, // secondary main
      secondarylight: colors.blueGrey.lighten4, // secondary light
      secondarydark: colors.blueGrey.darken3, // secondary dark
      anchor: // link
  • And here's the available themes api:
    Key Type Available Value Example
    theme.themes: Object '...palette.oceanBlue', '...palette.greenLeaf',
    '...palette.greyscale', '',
    '...palette.violet', etc
    theme = { ...palette.oceanBlue }

    If you change the palette const, don't forget to update this following files as well

    ** Crytpo Theme: /crypto-theme/components/GradientDeco/GradientDeco.vue

    Make sure the const palette has same value as vuetify.options const palette

Layout Direction

This template also support for RTL direction. To set RTL as default direction please follow this step.

  • Open /composables/uiTheme.js
  • Set useRtl to true export const useRtl = () => (useState('rtl', () => true));
  • Finally Open /nuxt.config.ts Then please add dir: 'rtl' in
     // nuxt.config.ts
    export default defineNuxtConfig({
      app: {
        head: {
          // the rest code
          htmlAttrs: {
            dir: 'rtl'
        // the rest code

Theme Illustration

Artwork Illlustration as part of UI visual explanation of a text, concept or process. 3D or 2D styles are in trending now, and this template has both. To configure the style mode please follow tihs step

  • All images assets listed in javascript files, so please open static/images/imgAPI.js
  • By default this template uses 3D style, to switch to 2D style please search ...img3d
  • Then change from ...img3d to ...img2d, and reverse allowed as well.
  • Example:

    // imgAPI.js
        crypto: [
            // rest images
        cryptoInner: [
    // imgAPI.js
        crypto: [
            // rest images
        cryptoInner: [

Youtube Config

This template use Vue Youtube a simple vue component acting as a thin layer over the YouTube IFrame Player API. To use this feature we recommend to use https in production. If not there will be some warnings in browser console related cookies and security.

You can disable this feature by open config/youtube.js then set set use: false.

Set Language


  • To set default language
    1. Open /nuxt.config.ts
    2. change defaultLocale: 'en' to other initial locale i.e. id for Bahasa Indonesia
    3. And also for vueI18n: { fallbackLocale: 'en' } to other fallback locale i.e. id for Bahasa Indonesia
    4. For arabic with RTL layout, please add dir: 'rtl' in app.head.htmlAttrs: { lang: 'ar', dir: 'rtl' }
    5. Then open composables/uiTheme.js
    6. Set useRtl to true export const useRtl = () => (useState('rtl', () => true));
  • Add new language
    1. By default, nuxt-i18n expects your translations to be organised as such by create new language JS library in /static/lang/[localCode]/
          └── lang
              ├── en-US.json
              └── de-DE.json
    2. You can check the available local code here
    3. Then register it in /lang/languages.js
      export default [
          code: 'de',
          iso: 'de-DE',
          name: 'Deutch',
          file: 'de-DE.json',
          dir: 'ltr'
          code: 'en',
          iso: 'eng-US',
          name: 'English',
          file: 'en-US.json',
          dir: 'ltr'
  • Put the messages to the Vue Components
    1. Pick one of sample Components with cointaining text, i.e /componens/Footer.vue
    2. Basically the message return is String. And next step is replace/add every string in components
    3. Add a translated text inside components
        {{ $t('agencyLanding.footer_paragraph') }}
    4. Then run the server npm run dev.